Helping your child deal with worry, stress and trauma

Feelings such as being worried, frightened, stressed and anxious are all completely normal emotions that children experience from time to time. However, you may be concerned that your child feels like this too often, that such feelings are triggered by too many things, or that these emotions are very strong. Or perhaps you would just like some information about how to help your child when they feel this way. 

The leaflet "Children and Young People with Anxiety: A Guide for Parents and Carers", written by Anxiety UK, gives a good explanation of what anxiety is, what keeps it going and what can be helpful. This can be found on the right of this page.

If your child is experiencing difficulties as a result of a specific traumatic event, please read our downloadable leaflet ‘Helping Your Child After an Accident’. Other information about traumatic reactions can be found in the external resources section on the Right.

Further advice and support is offered by Anxiety UK (formerly the National Phobics Society). This is the website of the Charity Anxiety UK. It has a project ‘Stressed Out’. Under ‘Young People & Anxiety’ they provide information on a range of different difficulties.  

As a parent you may also be experiencing your own difficulties with anxiety, and may find useful information on the general anxiety self help page (see the link on the right)