Bullying and Harassment

Bullying is when someone deliberately hurts, harasses or intimidates someone else. We often hear about this happening during childhood however this kind of behaviour can also happen in adulthood, particularly in the workplace. It can have a significantly negative impact on your life and lead to low self esteem.

Recent studies also show that the impact of childhood bullying can last a life time.  Adults who were bullied in childhood are more likely to suffer from low mood, anxiety and low self esteem.

Further advice and support is offered by:

Bullying UK (formerly Bullying Online)
The charity Bullying UK runs a website that has lots of information and advice on bullying, including Cyberbullying and Bullying in the Workplace.

This is the website of the Scotland's Anti-Bullying Service. It provide some information on anti-bullying policies.

Harassment is unlawful under the Equality Act see: www.gov.uk/workplace-bullying-and-harassment

Self-help documents