A group of people walking in a field

Support for young carers

The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone. It is thought that there are 175,000 young carers across the UK. Did you know that in Fife alone there are an estimated 4000 young carers?! That is a lot of children and teenagers who are in a caring role, many of whom may be in a similar position to you.

As a carer, you are likely to have many more responsibilities than other young people. These responsibilities, and the worries that go along with them, can get in the way of you being able to enjoy your life and to keep up with school work.   It can be hard to admit to other people that you are a carer as you may feel that people just won’t understand. However, if you are struggling with school work or in any other way then it can be helpful to let a teacher or guidance teacher or other trusted adult know. If they are aware of what you are dealing with then they will be better able to support you.

The links on the right provide advice about being a young carer. But also check out all of the pages in the MoodCafe carers section for general information and advice on support for carers.

If you live in Fife  - see Fife Young Carers

Self-help documents

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