A busy playground


Bullying is when someone deliberately hurts, harasses or intimidates someone else. Unfortunately bullying is a common experience for children and young people. It can take many forms including being called names, being hit or physically hurt, being ignored or having things stolen. Children and young people often find it difficult to tell adults what is going on, and this can make things even harder.

A series of Childline leaflets explain more about what to do if you are being bullied, what to do if you see someone else getting bullied, and what if you are bullying someone. There is one for primary school children, one for teenagers and one for parents.


Further advice and support is offered by:

Bullying UK (formerly Bullying Online)
www.bullying.co.uk: The charity Bullying UK runs a website that has lots of information and advice on bullying, including Cyberbullying.

http://www.respectme.org.uk/: This is the website of the Scotland's Anti-Bullying Service. It provide some information for parents and young people, as well as information on anti-bullying policies.

The Anti-Bullying Network
www.antibullying.net: The charity, The Anti-Bullying Network was established at the University of Edinburgh. They aim to support anti-bullying work in schools and operate a website providing information about bullying and how it can be tackled. There are sections aimed at schools, young people and parents and families.

Self-help documents