Useful Contacts

British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)

Work to improve the lives of people in the UK with a learning disability. Publish books and journals and are involved with policy and research.


Down's Syndrome Scotland

Down's Syndrome Scotland aims to improve the quality of life for everyone in Scotland with Down's syndrome. Offer information and help as well as information (e.g. life events, health) for parents, carers and family and for people with a learning disability which is free to download.

Tel: 0131 313 4225


Campaign for equal rights for all people with a learning disability. Booklets, CD-Roms and Training packs are available to buy from the website. For example, booklets on planning a baby, depression are available for people with a learning disability.

Communication for Health

This website is for staff and carers who are looking for accessible information for people with learning disabilities.


Health Information that is easy to understand by Mencap.

ENABLE Scotland

Campaigns for a better life for children and adults with a learning disability and supports them and their families to participate, work and live in their local communities.

Offer free downloadable information on a variety of topics for parents and carers as well as individuals with a learning disability (Topics include, adults with incapacity act, being in control of your money, benefits and funding for disabled children, bullying at work, charging policies, free bus travel, holiday list 2007, LD in the family, short breaks and respite etc).

Tel: 0141 226 4541


Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities

Work to promote the rights, quality of life and opportunities of people with learning disabilities and their families. A variety of information is available on-line and is free to download



Mencap is the UK's (England and Wales) leading learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers. Information booklets is available on-line and is free to download. 


Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability (SCLD)

An organisation set up to help people make the changes set out in ‘The same as you?’ The website is for people with learning disabilities, family carers and anyone interested in making things better for people with learning disabilities. Offer library books on learning disability available to anyone in Scotland and posted to home / work address.


Scottish Autism

The leading provider in Scotland of services and support for people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.  Click here for information on One Stop Shop.  National organisation click here

Now runs a service in Fife:

Address: 34, Thistle Industrial Estate, Church Street, Cowdenbeath, KY4 8LP

Tel: 01383 610754 / 511813

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External resources

Self-help documents

Related sections