Free Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

 Free Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 

Bt B Picture

Beating the Blues:  This NHS Service is available in many areas of Scotland, including Fife. It provides Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for people experiencing mild to moderate depression and/or anxiety.   The programme consists of eight, one hour sessions completed weekly.  It can  help you to pinpoint and change unhelpful ways of thinking, which can affect how you feel. It also teaches you more effective ways of solving problems.   Your GP can refer you to this fully supported NHS service.  You can do the sessions on your home computer/ tablet or using a computer in a local library.  Please see your GP for a referral to this service.  Shortly after your referral you will be contacted by the NHS Beating the Blues co-ordinator. You will then be given a code to access the programme. 



Silver Cloud: As with Beating the Blues this NHS Service is available across all Health Boards in Scotland.  


Silver Cloud is an online treatment programme that uses cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to help people experiencing depression and/or anxiety.  It consists of a list of modules to be completed at your leisure.   The programme is interactive, during sessions you can watch video clips, complete exercises and learn CBT techniques  that can help with depression and anxiety.   You will be given tasks to complete during the week and between modules.   Silver Cloud will help you to pinpoint and change unhelpful ways of thinking that can affect how you feel while teaching you more effective ways of solving problems. There is a COVID-19 specific module as well as focusing on Health Anxiety and Social Anxiety.  Additionally we have 5 modules that focus on those suffering from mental health issues related to various Long Term Conditions: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lung Conditions, Diabetes, Chronic Heart Disease and Chronic Pain. Your GP/mental health worker can refer you to this fully supported NHS service.  You can do the sessions on your home computer/ tablet or using a computer in a local library.  Please see your GP/mental health worker for a referral to this service.  Shortly after your referral you will be contacted by the NHS SilverCloud Administrator. You will then be given a link and code to access the programme




Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

MoodGYM: this is a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) based program independent resource developed and delivered by the Australian National University. It helps you identify and overcome problem emotions and develop good coping skills. Designed to prevent and treat depression it can also be helpful for anxiety and for people of different ages: Please note there is now a £23 charge for 1 year's access to MoodGYM                                                  

Living life


Living Life to the Full: This is a self help life skills training package based on a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach, for those with mild to moderate depression and anxiety:



Free Online Counselling


Relationships Scotland

Relationships Scotland: If you want to talk to someone, or get advice or support about relationships, you can use Relationship Scotland’s online Live Chat. Live Chat allows you to talk to a trained counsellor in real time. Sessions usually last around 25 minutes and this service is completely free and confidential.

Child line number 08001111

Childline:Sometimes it can help to chat with somebody outside of your family or friendship circle. Childline counsellors are there to provide chat online or over the phone to listen and support you to come up with ideas on what you could do next. This service is free and confidential.


Samaritans:Sometimes it's easier to write down your thoughts and feelings. You can email Samaritans who aim to respond to your email within 12 hours:


Sam's is open for face to face support For further information on days and times  click here ... full story

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